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Bushing Post

You will learn the new trends of self-lubricating bearings from us.

Journal Bearing Vs Thrust Bearing: What’s The Different?

Journal bearings and thrust bearings serve different purposes in mechanical systems. Journal bearings primarily support radial loads (perpendicular to the axis of rotation) and are ideal for rotary motion systems, providing support to rotating shafts while reducing friction. They can handle higher speeds but require… Read More »Journal Bearing Vs Thrust Bearing: What’s The Different?

Bronze vs Brass vs Copper

Bronze vs Brass vs Copper | What’s the difference? How to choose?

Bronze vs Brass vs Copper what is the difference and how to choose the price metal for your applications? Because it is so simple to mix up these metals, a comparison of brass, tüm burçlar metalden yapılmıştır, and copper is essential. bunlara ek olarak, there are only very slight differences… Read More »Bronze vs Brass vs Copper | What’s the difference? How to choose?