Ceramic Angular Contact Bearings
Ceramic Angular contact bearings offer a range of improvements to traditional thrust and roller bearings.
Metal shields are used to keep lubricating fluid from washing through bearing cavities, increasing bearing service life, because water continuously removes needed lubrication. They also have several extra features that improve the quality of life for end-users: full-flow design vents most of the pressure to lower zones, vibration noise insulation measures installed on all models, and excellent linear motions properties open up a new field in the precision structure design.
Ceramic Angular Contact Bearings Metric Series
Single Row:
7900 | 7000 | 7200 | 7300 | 7901 | 7001 | 7201 | 7301 | 7902 | 7002 | 7202 | 7302 |
7903 | 7003 | 7203 | 7303 | 7904 | 7004 | 7204 | 7304 | 7905 | 7005 | 7205 | 7305 |
7906 | 7006 | 7206 | 7306 | 7907 | 7007 | 7207 | 7307 | 7908 | 7008 | 7208 | 7308 |
7909 | 7009 | 7209 | 7309 | 7910 | 7010 | 7210 | 7310 | 7911 | 7011 | 7211 | 7311 |
7912CE | 7012CE | 7212CE | 7312CE | 7913CE | 7013CE | 7213CE | 7313CE | 7914CE | 7014CE | 7214CE | 7314CE |
7915CE | 7015CE | 7215CE | 7916CE | 7016CE | 7216CE | 7017CE | 7217CE | 7918CE | 7018CE | 7919CE | 7019CE |
7920CE | 7020CE | 7921CE | 7922CE |
Other Types of Ceramic Ball Bearings
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